The Relevance of New Media in Indian Communication: An Empirical View

Exploring the Impact of New Media on Indian Communication and Society

by Mr. Chanakya C. N.*, Dr. Narasimhamurthy N.,

- Published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, E-ISSN: 2230-7540

Volume 15, Issue No. 11, Nov 2018, Pages 195 - 198 (4)

Published by: Ignited Minds Journals


India has a rich history in the basics of heritage, culture, region, source and resource. Even with presence of media along with IT BT the nation is identified as one of the most updating country in all over the world. Under the basis of communication aspect the new Medias has been introduced as well as serving the nation in competitive manner in several fields. In the core of relevance this media directly or indirectly supports for social justice, even helpful to investigate and relieve the invisible dissolved facts in several ways in the name of programs. But somewhere the Media is also comes under the same resections, boundaries and limitations. As for an empirical circumstance the several Medias are mainly concentrating for news telecast in India. In other word, the major involvement of communication media is moving for news extraction. In this way being a religious nation there is no particular constraint pro medias to run and sustain the communication mass system. As for innovative turn, the Medias are one of the online income source and public entertainers which communicate the society.


New Media, Indian Communication, Empirical View, heritage, culture, region, source, resource, IT BT, updating country, communication aspect, social justice, investigation, invisible facts, programs, resections, boundaries, limitations, news telecast, religious nation, constraint, communication mass system, online income source, public entertainers, society


Being a responsible profession, media has a relevance position at the mass of many communication commodities. Especially in India, there have a numerous media networks. Even though the new media‘s have been headed in large number, but some are government and many are private. Here the government / public Medias telecasts the valuable, socialistic, nationalist and productive programs as well private Medias concentrates the profit oriented, sensational and TRP Core issues. But in some extent the both Medias have their own relevance while serving the nation. Unfortunately in present conduction the bifurcation of private and public media is little different in the core of new mass medias. Because, more or less every Medias have been highly concentrated for political issues as like commercialized one. Hence the communication system is also impacted from these circumstances.


India is being a great religious nation, the several new Medias has been significantly serving. By the name of national, commercial, religious, region, devotional and many more new Medias are majorly pursing in the country. Somewhere the Medias are existed like magnets in India, because it attracts every generations in the core of multi purposeful aspects. By the introduction of smart devices, smart mobiles as well as smart applications this Medias have become more sharpen for communication and enjoyment aspects. In the direction of up-gradation this Medias as well as social communication networks converted the huge brad world to globe village trend. But in some case, the Medias directly or indirectly miss guide the mass by disclosing the programs in the way of facts to fake, science to new-sense, realistic to rood incidences.


There have appeared many research studies on a direction of the relevance of new media in Indian communication system at everywhere, but the brief reviews of some selected studies are given in the following paragraphs. Abu Bashar and Irshad Ahmad in their research article on ―Effectiveness of Social Media as a Marketing Tool: An Empirical Study‖ published at Elk Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail

about purpose for using social media platform under the qualitative research methods. Rajeev Ghode (October-2012) in his study on ―Info graphics in News Presentation: A Study of its Effective Use in Times of India and Indian Express the Two Leading Newspapers in India‖ published at Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, ISSN No: 2319-5614, has revised about the representation of news and information in visual form and studied about the components of info graphics in several aspects. Thus under the advanced feature discussed about the defined levels of info graphics with multi various tables and charts. Bruno Schivinski and Dariusz Dabrowski in their research paper on ―The Effect of Social Media Communication on Consumer Perceptions of Brands‖ have studied about the brand equity as well as effects on brand equity. Under the research prospect methodology discussed about the main effects along with tests for the invariance of a causal structure. Thus with the very good results, facts and figures conclude the main stream of Effect of Social Media Communication.


The most identified relevance of new media in the core of Indian communication is as follows. • The new media generally generates the competition between existed Medias to contemporary Medias in innovative communication manner. • Directs to apply new innovative ideas in media programs. • Creates the employment opportunities. • Helpful to conduct and apply the new experiments in media communication. • Activates the better awareness in media zone. • Revives the several facts and figures about the national status, which were hidden by existed Medias. • Helpful to alarm the youth generation about the future circumstances. • Discloses the updates and present conduction of the nation. • Decrease the worries of network problem, delay concerns and injustice.


There are a huge trends have been practiced by mass media in the direction of communication. Here the most identified as well as shocked drifts of mass Medias issues has; Unfortunately many Medias converted for commercialized and several Medias have been sold out in privatization, which directly capitates the national / government Medias. Unexpectedly several public medias have been rehabilitated into communist one, which always shows / discusses about the negative, deadly, crime, strikes, new-sense and communal disparity oriented news in the name of sensational issues. At the same way, this Medias presently neglected for moral, motivated and ethical programs. Knowingly or unknowingly even general socialistic Medias too converted / involved into politics, which maximum discusses about the unnecessary status and unusual matters of politicians. Accordingly the strong discussions of mass media, many political parties have been nominated in the boundaries of religion, cast, region and communities.


The main and specific objectives of the present study are: • To identify the relevance of new media in the core of Indian communication system.


The following hypotheses have framed to meet the objectives of the study. • Significantly, from the dress code to agriculture trend patron westernization has been impacted in Indian culture.


The Methodology is very essential to prepare an article. Here, quantitative methods were used in the present paper. This paper has carried secondary data those has been gathered from the published sources such as various books, periodicals, journals, projects and reports on the subject based on author‘s views, thoughts and present ideal issues respectively. For the purpose of gathering the latest information on the topic E-sources also consulted.

Accordingly the well-known survey online group, the most identified active social media zone in India which have an impact role social media networks has been shown in the below flow chart table.

Table No. 01: The Most Active Social Media Zone in India

Source: Facebook has a big „women problem‟ in India.


The optimal issues as well as general findings are as follows. • In present scenario, the Medias played a vital role for charge and encourage in the core of exclusive sensational communicative development. • In the core of competitive world, the new Medias have been inclusively spread in all over the nation in huge manner. • Knowingly or unknowingly the many of new running Medias are concentrating about the particular political parties and particular religion practice by organizing a several creative programs. • Somewhere the existence of new Medias offered / generated the employment opportunities in radiant manner.


On the scrutiny of our above study, the following suggestions are as follows. • As a responsible profession, Medias have to give a first preference for eco-friendly, • While disclose the sensational issues in the core of communication, medias have to be look forward / care about the future effects and affects in well manner. • If there is a chance, Medias have to concentrate to reduce the crime rates in Indian communication society. • Medias should be come over the boundaries of cast, communities, religion and region while disclose the universal truth, facts and figures.


In the core of polluted duplicate world, Medias play a significant relevant role by disclosing as well as differentiate the fake in addition to facts which have been practiced in the universe. Even new Medias are productively participating in this way. Because a new Medias are quite flexible with comparing the old Medias with as well this new Medias carry the only minimum restriction boundaries in practice. Presently the command social networks with the help of Medias providing the education in the way of online learning along with communication basics. Thus the Medias have been contributing the respective relevance role for communication as well as command profession.


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Castronovo C. and Huang L. (2012). ―Social Media in an Alternative Marketing Communication Model‖ Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness 6, no. 1: pp. 117-134. Rajeev Ghode (2012). ―Info graphics in News Presentation: A Study of its Effective Use in Times of India and Indian Express the Two Leading Newspapers in India‖ The Study, The Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) ISSN No: 2319-5614, Volume .I, (October 2012). Bruno Schivinski and Dariusz Dabrowski (2012). ―The Effect of Social Media Communication on Consumer Perceptions of Brands‖ The Paper. Abu Bashar and Irshad Ahmad (2012). ―Effectiveness of Social Media as a Marketing Tool: An Empirical Study‖ The Research Article, Elk Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Retail Management. /02/NewSymbiosisReportExecSumm.pdf

Corresponding Author Mr. Chanakya C. N.*

Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Electronic Media, Bangalore University, Bengaluru–560009, Karnataka, India