Understanding Procrastination Behavior among Pre-Service ICT Teachers: Identifying Factors and Developing Intervention Strategies

Exploring the Impact of Web Addiction and Procrastination among Pre-Service ICT Teachers


  • Pramod S
  • Dr. Devendra Kumar


procrastination, pre-service ICT teachers, factors, intervention strategies, human behavior, motivation, stress, leadership, burnout, personality, culture, web addiction, academic procrastination, general procrastination, motivational factors, personality traits


A teacher is contrasted with a candle that consumes itself to edify understudies. Thus, theexhibition of a teacher turns into a crucial issue in this period. Thus, Performance of colleges stays amiddle region for the scientist. Human components have been concentrated now and again by differentscientists, straightforwardly or in a roundabout way connected with hierarchical execution. It is apparentthat human conduct related components like inspiration, stress, initiative, demeanour, burnout,personality, culture and procrastination and so forth adds to hierarchical execution. Relatively fewexaminations zeroing in on the web dependence and its connection to procrastination amongundergrads who have a place with Information and Communication Technology related offices. UtilizingPC related innovations more than the others such divisions might be more defenceless against webhabit and procrastination. Considering what is happening, the motivation behind this exploration studyis to look at pre-service ICT teachers' web compulsion levels and its connection to two procrastinationestimates which are characterized as scholarly procrastination and general procrastination. To comparethe motivational factors and personality features of high and low procrastinators in academic and nonacademicfields and to conduct an analysis of the elements that cause students to engage inprocrastination. The comparison of high and low procrastinators on academic and non-academic tasks,the comparison of motivational factors in academic and non-academic procrastinators, and thecomparison of personality traits of academic and non-academic procrastinators were the primaryfocuses of the findings of the study, which were presented as a result.




How to Cite

“Understanding Procrastination Behavior among Pre-Service ICT Teachers: Identifying Factors and Developing Intervention Strategies: Exploring the Impact of Web Addiction and Procrastination among Pre-Service ICT Teachers”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 695–701, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Jul. 01, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/14246

How to Cite

“Understanding Procrastination Behavior among Pre-Service ICT Teachers: Identifying Factors and Developing Intervention Strategies: Exploring the Impact of Web Addiction and Procrastination among Pre-Service ICT Teachers”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 695–701, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Jul. 01, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/14246