Privacy-Preserving Routing Protocol for MANETs: A Case Study of Unobservable Secure Routing

Enhancing Privacy Protection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


  • Deepak Shinde


privacy-preserving routing, MANETs, unobservable secure routing, privacy protection, ad hoc networks, linkability, discernability, PPRP, client privacy, security analysis


Privacy-preserving routing is essential for some ad hoc networks that require more grounded privacy protection. Various schemes have been proposed to ensure privacy in ad hoc networks. Be that as it may, none of these schemes offer total unlink ability or imperceptibility property since data packets and control packets are as yet linkable and discernable in these schemes. In this paper, we characterize more grounded privacy prerequisites with respect to privacy-preserving routing in mobile ad hoc networks. At that point we propose an unobservable secure routing scheme PPRP to offer total unlink ability and content inconspicuousness for a wide range of packets. PPRP is proficient as it utilizes a novel mix of gathering mark and ID-based encryption for route discovery. Security examination shows that PPRP can well ensure client privacy against both inside and outside attackers.In this paper, more grounded privacy necessities are characterized with respect to privacy-preserving routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. At that point an unobservable secure routing scheme is proposed to offer total unlink ability and content imperceptibility for a wide range of packets. This protocol is effective as it utilizes a blend of gathering mark and ID based encryption for route discovery. Security examination shows that Unobservable Secure Routing (USR) protocol can ensure client privacy against both inside and outside attackers. USR is actualized on ns2, and its exhibition is assessed by contrasting and the current schemes.




How to Cite

“Privacy-Preserving Routing Protocol for MANETs: A Case Study of Unobservable Secure Routing: Enhancing Privacy Protection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1536–1539, Feb. 2019, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Privacy-Preserving Routing Protocol for MANETs: A Case Study of Unobservable Secure Routing: Enhancing Privacy Protection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1536–1539, Feb. 2019, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available: