A Study of Queueing Models for a Stochastic and Fuzzy Setting with Communications Framework

Analyzing Queueing Models in a Stochastic and Fuzzy Communication Framework


  • Mamta .
  • Dr. Naveen Kumar


queueing models, stochastic, fuzzy setting, communications framework, communication system, buffer, service control, queue memory algorithm, demand for transmission lines, communication networks


Queue Models Mathematical Analysis Offers the basic structure work in communication system as there is a near similarity between queue and communication networks. Messages reaching a communications system can be customers or jobs, contact buffers can be considered as waiting lines and all the operations involved should be treated as services, buffer capacity can be considered as queues, while service control should be taken first served (FCFS), depending on the situation. Infect, buffer is a physical memory storage area used to store data temporarily when travelling from one location to another. Buffers are often usually used when the rates at which data are obtained vary from the rates at which they can be processed, or if those rates are variables (e.g. online video streaming). By implementing the queue memory algorithm, Buffer often customises the timing at one rate and reads the data at a different rate in a queue. The relation of the communications system arises because of the imprevisible existence of demand for transmission lines. Queue models contributed to the exact study of current communication system. Modern communication systems are an integral part of voice call modelling. The essence of traffic has changed drastically with the introduction of faxes and the Internet. This has resulted in the packet networks being switched over circuit networks becoming increasingly relevant. The circuit switching phone is unsuitable for interactive data traffic since it is designed for lower frequency demands for service with long service times, while transmission links in packet switches are divided as required. Every packet is forwarded when the relevant link is available but there is no source transmission when there is nothing to send. Each packet is forwarded. This increases the use of the connection at the cost of storage and control in the model. The switching of packets involves the division into small bundles of data and its transmission to their indented destination using computer control switches through communication networks. Only few circuits are used in circuit switching, a good amount of new drive power is idle, while the active users gain by shortening the normal delay times in a light loading condition. Network resources for any packet node communications system are handled by statistical multiplexing or dynamic memory allocation, in which an arbitrary number of logical bit rate channels or data streams is essentially separated into a communication channel.




How to Cite

“A Study of Queueing Models for a Stochastic and Fuzzy Setting with Communications Framework: Analyzing Queueing Models in a Stochastic and Fuzzy Communication Framework”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1572–1576, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/12437

How to Cite

“A Study of Queueing Models for a Stochastic and Fuzzy Setting with Communications Framework: Analyzing Queueing Models in a Stochastic and Fuzzy Communication Framework”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1572–1576, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/12437