Analysis of Fuzzy Environment Parameters with Queuing Model Tandem
The Application of Queuing Theory in Various Fields
queuing theory, fuzzy environment parameters, queuing models, stochastic process, utilizationsAbstract
Queuing theory can be recognized in four phases of various lengths and distinctive characters, the principal organize is the time of concentrated movement, while the second time frame denotes the scientific modeling of stochastic process being developed of the queuing theory might be known as the time of the development. The third stage demonstrates a time of further broad advancement of queuing theory can be named as a time of development, introducing the utilizations of queuing theory in different territories of genuine circumstances as in PC and correspondence system, Telecommunication system, fabricating, traffic control, medicinal services the board and diverse circles of life and specialized perspectives. The fourth stage or current period accentuation is on development uses of queuing theory ramifications of fuzzy rationale in queuing system for example analytical study of fuzzy queue models. Queuing theory is a part of mathematics that studies and models the demonstration of holding up in lines. This study will investigate the formulation of queuing theory alongside instances of the models and utilizations of their utilization. The objective of the study is to furnish the peruser with enough foundation so as to appropriately model a fundamental queuing system into one of the classes we will take a gander at, when conceivable. Likewise, the peruser should start to comprehend the essential thoughts of how to decide helpful information, for example, normal holding up times from a specific queuing system. The Fuzzy queue with multiple servers is turned into a family of fierce queues with multiple servers by using TV-cut approach. The results are more fluid and helpful for systems designers, as the system characteristics are expressed by the Membership Function. Multiple server queuing models are efficient methods for computer, telecommunications and manufacturing performance analyses. If the usual crisp batch-arrival queues can be extended to fluffy batch-arriving queues with multiple servers, queuing models would have even broader applications. Possibly more useful and realistic are the furious queues than usual clean queues.Published
How to Cite
“Analysis of Fuzzy Environment Parameters with Queuing Model Tandem: The Application of Queuing Theory in Various Fields”, JASRAE, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 357–362, Apr. 2020, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:
How to Cite
“Analysis of Fuzzy Environment Parameters with Queuing Model Tandem: The Application of Queuing Theory in Various Fields”, JASRAE, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 357–362, Apr. 2020, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: