In-Vitro Bsa Activity of the Binuclear Ru (II) Arene Complexes



  • Bobade Manisha Santosh Rao
  • Dr. Anil Sharma


In-Vitro, Bsa Activity, Binuclear Ru (II) Arene Complexes, Proteins, Macromolecules, Serum Albumins, Medicines, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Metal Ions


Proteins constitute the most abundant and structurally diverse class of macromolecules in livingthings. More than 60 of the protein in mammalian plasma is made up of serum albumins, which play animportant role in the transport, distribution, or metabolism of a broad range of medicines, amino acids,fatty acids, and metal ions. Because the interaction among small molecules or serum albumins has sucha profound effect on drug absorption, metabolism, excretion, and distribution, knowing what kind ofinteraction exists and to what extent is essential for understanding the pharmacodynamics as well aspharmacokinetics of medications. Because of its low price, widespread availability, and 76 structuralsimilarity with albumins, BSA is often employed as a relevant model for testing small compounds'affinities for albumins HSA). In this paper study the in-vitro BSA activity of the binuclear ru (ii) arenecomplexes.




How to Cite

“In-Vitro Bsa Activity of the Binuclear Ru (II) Arene Complexes: -”, JASRAE, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 693–701, Apr. 2020, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“In-Vitro Bsa Activity of the Binuclear Ru (II) Arene Complexes: -”, JASRAE, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 693–701, Apr. 2020, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: