Why Is Tourism a Growing Trend and Have Affected Clients Globally

Analyzing the Impact of Tourism Industry on the Global Economy and Factors Influencing it


  • Waseem Noor


tourism industry, global economy, economic growth, factors, culture, security, infrastructure, visa facilities, natural beauty, attitude of people, tourist number, Quarantine, World population, Education, Income level, Price level, languages, hotel accommodation


Tourism industry assumes incredible part in the improvement of a world and it emphatically and adversely corresponded with the financial development of the global economy. Seeing to its significance the current review was organized since 23, March, 2020. The universe of the review was the world. The significant goal of the review was to analyze the components which influence tourism industry decidedly and adversely while additionally concentrate on its effect on the global economy of the world. Auxiliary information were utilized and complete 18 articles were downloaded from the net and read ordinarily and examined the circumstance. The investigation demonstrates that tourism industry keep tight connection with the financial development of the global economy while there are such countless elements which influence the tourism business decidedly and adversely which over the long haul or short run influence the global economy of the world contrarily and emphatically. Among these elements culture, harmony, security, created foundation of the world, visa offices, regular beautification, mentality of individuals, vacationer number, Quarantine, World populace, Education, Income level, Price level of various products on the planet, various dialects and admission of lodging and so on are the notable variables which influence the tourism business emphatically and adversely on the planet.




How to Cite

“Why Is Tourism a Growing Trend and Have Affected Clients Globally: Analyzing the Impact of Tourism Industry on the Global Economy and Factors Influencing it”, JASRAE, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 419–423, Oct. 2020, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/12770

How to Cite

“Why Is Tourism a Growing Trend and Have Affected Clients Globally: Analyzing the Impact of Tourism Industry on the Global Economy and Factors Influencing it”, JASRAE, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 419–423, Oct. 2020, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/12770