Analysis of Beam and Column for Improving the Integrity Performance

Enhancing the Integrity Performance of Structures through Beam and Column Analysis


  • Ravikiran P. Jadhav
  • Dr. Prashant M. Pawar
  • Shrikrishna A. Gosavi
  • Dr. Vidyarani S. Kshirsagar
  • Dr. Manik G. Deshmukh


structural analysis, frame, slab, beam, column, footing, monolithic construction, integral unit, live loads, angles, steel plate, finite element modelling, numerical analysis, ANSYS Workbench, total deformation, strengthen location, loading condition


In structural Analysis generally the term frame means rigide structures having different component such as slab, Beam, Column, Footing etc. This all Components are casting together to form monolithic construction so it acts as single integral unit. There are many forces are acting on the building frame this acted force are pass through different component of frame. In some of structure extra live loads are act because of changes uses from residential to public or godown. For that the element of frame should be enough strong to sustain loads coming. In this Present work, we were anlysed columns and beams. for different load combination and improve integrity performance by using angles and Steel plate for strengthening. Finite element modelling is carried out for numerical analysis using ANSYS Workbench. Different models of beam and column are made in ANSYS Workbench and studying and comparison is done for Total Deformation and select optimum strengthen location for different loading condition.




How to Cite

“Analysis of Beam and Column for Improving the Integrity Performance: Enhancing the Integrity Performance of Structures through Beam and Column Analysis”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 29–35, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Analysis of Beam and Column for Improving the Integrity Performance: Enhancing the Integrity Performance of Structures through Beam and Column Analysis”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 29–35, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: