A Study of Deviating Arguments in Differential- Difference Equations of Order
Analyzing the Properties and Applications of Deviating Arguments in Differential-Difference Equations
deviating arguments, differential-difference equations, ordinary differential equations, functional differential equations, physical and biological systems, asymptotic behavior, periodicity, anti-periodicity, stability, boundary value limitationsAbstract
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are frequently employed in modeling research. If asystem is modelled using ordinary differential equations (ODEs), we presume that the current state has noinfluence over what will happen in the future. Assumption is made that the system and its subsystemsinteract instantaneously and there is no delay between them in ODE models. Realistic models, on the otherhand, incorporate a small bit of lag. As a result, in order to predict the future, it is necessary to take intoaccount the present and the past, as well as derivatives of the former. Functional differential equationsare used to model these models (FDEs).In this study, of the FDEs has developed considerably in pastfew decades, the reason being its wide application in physical and biological system. System inheritanceis taken into account in both physical and biological model systems. The examples and applications ofdifferential equations with diverging arguments have piqued my interest in studying them further. Manydifferent types of problems can be solved using differential equations with diverging arguments. Thefindings of this study should be examined further According to what has been said, there appears to beplenty of room to analyze these equations in terms of properties such as asymptotic behavior,periodicity, anti-periodicity, stability, and so on. There hasn't been enough discussion of boundary valuelimitations. Nonlinear systems' Observability and controllability can be investigated.Published
How to Cite
“A Study of Deviating Arguments in Differential- Difference Equations of Order: Analyzing the Properties and Applications of Deviating Arguments in Differential-Difference Equations”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 502–506, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/13276
How to Cite
“A Study of Deviating Arguments in Differential- Difference Equations of Order: Analyzing the Properties and Applications of Deviating Arguments in Differential-Difference Equations”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 502–506, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/13276