A study of BRAIN Tumor Segmentation in MR images using 3D Tumors

Improving Brain Tumor Segmentation using 3D Tumors and MR images


  • Rajshree .
  • Dr. Mukesh Kumar


BRAIN Tumor Segmentation, MR images, 3D Tumors, PET images, hemispheric images, brain's surface, reflective symmetry, left and right striata, voxel affinity matrix graph, graph clustering, picture voxel clustering, extracted brain attributes, spatial interconnectivity, Euclidean distances, intensities, graph partitioning, clustering techniques, normalised cuts method, putamen, ventral striatum, caudate, white matters, segmentation, brain tumours, experimental data


In the preprocessing step, PET images were divided into left and right striatal lobes. Usinghemispheric images, we can first delineate the brain's surface, then locate the plane that increases thebrain's reflective symmetry, and finally extract the left and right striata from each hemisphere image oneach side. The straita are removed from the surface of the brain using a density surface minimizationoutersurface approach. A voxel affinity matrix graph and graph clustering are utilised to separate thestriatal surfaces of the brain. For the picture voxel clustering approach, a set of extracted brain attributesis used to build a voxel graph. These two voxels are compared in terms of their spatial interconnectivity,Euclidean distances, and intensities. In the graph partitioning process, clustering techniques, both nonspectraland spectral, are employed. The graph is divided into nodes and related nodes using atechnique known as the normalised cuts method. This method fails when applied to PET pictures due tothe high computational burden of large images. Thus, the putamen and ventral striatum are bettersegregated in our proposed study, while the caudate and white matters are merged into a single cluster.To separate the putamen into anterior and posterior areas, segmentation is used. To detect braintumours, the proposed model must be able to precisely segment the brain's anatomy, as evidenced byexperimental data.




How to Cite

“A study of BRAIN Tumor Segmentation in MR images using 3D Tumors: Improving Brain Tumor Segmentation using 3D Tumors and MR images”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 641–647, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/13299

How to Cite

“A study of BRAIN Tumor Segmentation in MR images using 3D Tumors: Improving Brain Tumor Segmentation using 3D Tumors and MR images”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 641–647, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/13299