Role of Women in Panchayat Raj in Jhansi District: A Descriptive Study
Socioeconomic Traits and Empowerment of Elected Women in Panchayat Raj Institutions
Role of Women, Panchayat Raj, Jhansi District, Descriptive Study, Socioeconomic traits, Elected women, Panchayat Raj institutions, Proportional stratified random selection approach, Interviews, Data, Statistical analysis, SPSS, Descriptive and inferential statistics, Grassroots notion, Democracy, Women, Rural and urban self-governanceAbstract
The purpose of this study is to identify the socioeconomic traits of elected women inPanchayat Raj institutions. After selecting 224 participants for the study using a proportional stratifiedrandom selection approach, the researcher sought the women's informed permission and conductedinterviews with the elected Village Panchayat officials. The interview was conducted in order to gatherdata using an interviewing approach. Between April and June 2019, information was obtained from them.It is necessary to do a sufficient statistical analysis using SPSS on the data acquired for the study. Bothdescriptive and inferential statistics were employed. Our nation has not kept up with the grassrootsnotion of democracy for women in rural and urban self-governance.Published
How to Cite
“Role of Women in Panchayat Raj in Jhansi District: A Descriptive Study: Socioeconomic Traits and Empowerment of Elected Women in Panchayat Raj Institutions”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 727–732, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available:
How to Cite
“Role of Women in Panchayat Raj in Jhansi District: A Descriptive Study: Socioeconomic Traits and Empowerment of Elected Women in Panchayat Raj Institutions”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 727–732, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: