Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli may be Isolated and Screened from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples
Isolation and Screening of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples for Food Preservation
bacteriocin-producing, Lactobacilli, fruit and vegetable waste samples, microorganisms, antibiotic bacteriocin, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, cultures, food spoilage germs, LAB, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, logarithmic phase, stationary phase, antibacterial activity, heat-resistant, Lactose, peptone, yeast extractAbstract
Producing bacteria (LAB) from FRUITS AND VEGETABLE WASTE have been identified. It wasdiscovered that these microorganisms were capable of producing the antibiotic bacteriocin.Lactobacillus lactis Lactobacillus plantarum were the most effective makers of bacteriocins among theisolated cultures. A wide range of food spoilage germs and related strains of LAB were inhibited bybacteriocin generated by these Lactobacillus species. Escherichia coli was suppressed by thebacteriocin, but Candida albicans was the only organism it had any effect on. Between the latelogarithmic phase or the early stationary phase, the antibacterial activity seemed to be most strong. Ithas been discovered that the bacteriocins are heat-resistant. Lactose, peptone, and yeast extract wereadded to boost bacteriocin synthesis.Published
How to Cite
“Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli may be Isolated and Screened from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples: Isolation and Screening of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples for Food Preservation”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 919–923, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available:
How to Cite
“Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli may be Isolated and Screened from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples: Isolation and Screening of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacilli from Fruit and Vegetable Waste Samples for Food Preservation”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 919–923, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: