A Review of Non-Formal Education in the Context of Education for all in India

Exploring the Meaning and Significance of Non-Formal Education in India


  • Syeda Fouzia Begum
  • Dr. J. Vijaya Laxmi
  • Dr. S. Saif Rahman


non-formal education, formal education, informal education, schools, colleges, universities, community colleges, specialized institutions, technology, business, management, practical skills, hierarchically organized, chronologically graded, elementary school, university, meaning, relevance, definition, development, significance, forms, implementation, facets, contributed, flourishing


Education may be broken down into three categories formal, non-formal, and informal.Schools, colleges, universities, and community colleges, as well as specialized institutions teachingsubjects like technology, business, management, etc., are all part of the formal education system.General academic studies and a range of specialized programs and courses aim at full-time professionaltraining and development, and formal education encompasses a hierarchically organized,chronologically graded educational system running from elementary school to the university. Non-formaleducation is another option it differs from formal education in that it often takes place outside of thesystem and is focused on helping students acquire the practical skills they'll need in their everyday lives.The third category of education is known as informal education, and it consists of the explanation ofeveryday experiences by teachers, mentors, guides, or bosses. This type of education is often referredto as incidental learning, which emphasizes the fact that it is not a deliberate or premeditated process.There is formal education, which occurs in classrooms, non-formal education, which occurs in groupsand clubs where people have fewer problems and more opportunities and choices, and informaleducation, which occurs when a child first begins to communicate with the people in his immediateenvironment. The purpose of this research study is to have a better grasp on the meaning and relevanceof non-formal education by exploring its definition, development, significance, forms, andimplementation. The primary goal of exploring the many facets of non-formal education is toacknowledge the ways in which it has contributed to the flourishing of both people and communities.




How to Cite

“A Review of Non-Formal Education in the Context of Education for all in India: Exploring the Meaning and Significance of Non-Formal Education in India”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 375–400, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/13492

How to Cite

“A Review of Non-Formal Education in the Context of Education for all in India: Exploring the Meaning and Significance of Non-Formal Education in India”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 375–400, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/13492