Study on Contemporary Relationship of HRD to HRM

Impact of Foreign Investors on Employee Satisfaction in Industrial Units


  • Susenjit Singha Mahapatra
  • Dr. Virender Chahal


contemporary relationship, HRD, HRM, unfamiliar financial backer, management, responsibility, employee satisfaction, experienced employees, compensation, learning new technology


As do to the advancement each unfamiliar financial backer had expanded their stake inholding of the organization and had acquired 100 percent control on management. Thus haverepresentative their unfamiliar assignment to the different dependable positions. This is processedeffectively in the activity where the cycle is normalized and doesn't need any extra individual ability.While the position which requires individual expertise and ability for doing the cycle and assignmentwhich continue to change in relationship with the new task. Anyway this of type position request higherspecialized skill and top to bottom neighborhood working information on assembling framework as thevast majority of the gear's are re-appropriated this appointment of unfamiliar expat to that positioncaused dis-fulfillment among the accomplished representatives. Though the subordinates working arehaving a quite a long while of involvement however their compensation and other compensation are noteven close to this compensation of the unfamiliar expat while they are additionally taking the comparablepractical obligation. This exploration had respected the end that this likewise prompts thedisappointment among the accomplished workers. In these undertakings engineering industrial units thenew enlisted workers generally get the association together with the craving of learning new technologyand skill. Anyway on the off chance that this not granted as expected are dis-fulfilled




How to Cite

“Study on Contemporary Relationship of HRD to HRM: Impact of Foreign Investors on Employee Satisfaction in Industrial Units”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 289–294, Oct. 2021, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Contemporary Relationship of HRD to HRM: Impact of Foreign Investors on Employee Satisfaction in Industrial Units”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 289–294, Oct. 2021, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: