Indian Economy and Export in the Covid Pandemic Period

Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on India's Economy and Exports


  • Anal J O Justin Rose
  • Prof. N. A. Khan


Indian Economy, Export, Covid Pandemic, financial crisis, lockdown rigidity measures, Corona viral disease, antibodies, exports, economic growth, COVID-19 pandemic, industrial sector, service sector, financial pressure, productivity loss, demand decrease, economic activity, lockdown, social distancing, spread of COVID-19


We are amidst an unprecedented financial crisis since the approach of the crown pandemic.Countries are accordingly embracing the lockdown rigidity measures. The Corona viral disease hasaffected more than 200 countries around the globe, remembering India for the long stretches of Februaryand March 2020 because of human infection and powerlessness to discover antibodies for restoring thechanging condition. The viral contamination is known for its speed, scale, and gross vulnerabilityencompassing its end. Exports have assumed an undeniably important part in India's financialdevelopment over the most recent twenty years. Execution of India's exports and the different monetarycomponents added to its development. This COVID-19 pandemic influenced the industrial andadministration sectors friendliness, visits and ventures, medical care, retail, banks, lodgings, land,education, health, I.T., entertainment, media,etc. The financial pressure has begun and will developquickly. While lockdown and social removing bring about efficiency misfortune from one viewpoint, theycause a sharp decrease sought after for products and ventures by the consumers in the market,consequently prompting a breakdown in monetary action. In any case, lockdown and social removingare the solitary financially savvy apparatuses accessible to forestall the spread of COVID-19.




How to Cite

“Indian Economy and Export in the Covid Pandemic Period: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on India’s Economy and Exports”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 225–230, Apr. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Indian Economy and Export in the Covid Pandemic Period: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on India’s Economy and Exports”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 225–230, Apr. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: