India US Relation During Modi 2.O

Strengthening the India-US Relationship through Modi's Diplomatic Approach


  • Neeraj .


India-US relationship
Modi 2.O
diplomatic approach
foreign policy
strategic ties
institutional expansion
international norms


Modi's diplomatic approach has been crucial to maintaining the Indo-US relationship with boththe Obama and Trump administrations since Modi took office. India might gain ground in the ongoing raceto construct a superior foreign policy relationship with the world's superpower by adopting some of thenew concepts that are more conducive to strengthening the India-US relationship. Many factors are nowexpanding to build congruent strategic ties, and the new multidimensional order and institutionalexpansion of Indo-US joint-ship are two of them.A new strategic road between the world's largest andoldest democracies could be conceived with the help of programmes like forward together we go,tour for digital transformation, declaration of major defence partnership, 2+2 dialogue initiatives,prosperity through partnership, and the Mega event of Howdy Modi and Namaste Trump. Both theUnited States and India place a premium on democracy and adhere to international norms that requireadherence to a set of standards. The United States and India both have a vested interest in fosteringinternational commerce, investment, and connectivity that contributes to greater peace, prosperity, andsecurity.




How to Cite

“India US Relation During Modi 2.O: Strengthening the India-US Relationship through Modi’s Diplomatic Approach”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 249–254, Oct. 2022, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“India US Relation During Modi 2.O: Strengthening the India-US Relationship through Modi’s Diplomatic Approach”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 249–254, Oct. 2022, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: