Understanding the Active Factor for Development of the Streets

Enhancing the Role of Urban Streets in the Development and Livability of Cities


  • Kumar Utkarsh
  • Nishant Arora


Urban streets, heritage streets, commercial streets, residential streets, historical streets, Roman period, medieval period, Renaissance period, street policy, accessibility, safety, transport engineers, pedestrian walks, vehicles, city economy, urban systems, pedestrian safety, Urban realm, parking, loading activities, Link and space design, street performance indices, improvement, street space, capacity, local residents, local businesses, social gathering space, quality of life


In this new world today, Urban streets playing a major role as a heritage streets or commercialstreets and sometimes a residential or historical street. The concept of streets came from Roman periodand the use of streets as a surprising element can be seen in medieval period where end of the streetssurprisingly into a large space. The creation of vistas from a large square to one end of street gave aninteresting feel to visitor as seen in Renaissance period. Now the street policy is changed and ensure theright of way to be design and planned for all users with proper accessibility and safety. In India, thestreets planning and designing led by the transport engineers who gave always preferences to motorvehicles against the pedestrian walks. With 75 population will live in urban areas by 2050 and that timeurban streets need to balance the increasing vehicles and the city economy. When the city grows itgrows in all directions and it is important to consider the processes that shape our streets because theyare directly linked upon other urban systems and it is important to design them well for the benefit of thecities and its residents or visitors. Streets should not be seen in isolation or as transportation projectsalone, it should be evaluated on the basis of parameters likepedestrian safety, Urban realm, parking,loading activities. This paper talks about the concept of “Link and space design” by considering theusers safety on the street rather than vehicles in planning and design both. This paper helps tounderstand the desirable and minimum street performance indiceswith time and identifies the areas forimprovement and to determine the appropriate balance of street space and capacity. The aim of thispaper is to illustrate to redesign an urban high street to meet the needs of local residents, visitors andlocal businesses so that the street of that city play a major role as a social gathering space whichcontribute the quality of life in urban areas.




How to Cite

“Understanding the Active Factor for Development of the Streets: Enhancing the Role of Urban Streets in the Development and Livability of Cities”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 162–168, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/14159

How to Cite

“Understanding the Active Factor for Development of the Streets: Enhancing the Role of Urban Streets in the Development and Livability of Cities”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 162–168, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/14159