A Study on the Derivatives Market in India

Exploring the Impact and Potential of Derivatives in the Indian Market


  • Dr. Madireddi SSV Srikumar
  • Dr. Hemalata Tattikota
  • Dr. Madhavi Kappagantula


derivatives market, India, volatility, financial derivatives, underlying market, futures, options, derivatives revolution, development and expansion, case study, returns, trading, financial markets, efficiency, price discovery, liquidity, risk management, exposure, derivative instrument, commodities, financial assets, commodities derivatives, mitigate financial risks, future prices, financial gain, risk transfer, price changes, profits, asset values


An important part of every country's economic growth is the derivatives market. The purposeof this research is to learn how the volatility of financial derivatives affects the underlying market (futures and options). Today, financial derivatives are among the most widely utilised and widely tradedinstruments in the world. The phenomenal worldwide expansion of this phenomenon has earned it thename the derivatives revolution. In recent years, the derivatives market in India has seen greaterdevelopment and expansion than in other countries. Derivative. An Indian stock market firm derivative isused as a case study in this article to explore the concepts of futures and options. We hope that at theend of this paper, readers will have a better understanding of how they may maximise their returns whentrading in the derivatives market.Today's financial markets would collapse without the use of derivatives,a special kind of financial instrument. Popularity and activity in the derivatives market are high in India.There is no denying the high degree of uncertainty inherent in the price movements of assets traded onthe currency, commodity, and stock markets. “Derivatives are instruments that, when used in a financialmarket, may increase the efficiency of a market by facilitating price discovery, liquidity, and the transferof risk. Additionally, derivatives are used by investors and corporations as a risk management tool. Dueto the unfamiliarity and complexity of derivatives trading, investors are wary and have divergentopinions.You may reduce the exposure you have while trading an underlying asset by using a derivativeinstrument. Derivatives, in their simplest form, are any financial instrument whose value is derived fromsome other asset or index. Commodities like gold, cotton, pepper, etc., and financial assets like stocks,currencies, bonds, etc., make up the underlying assets. Derivatives are broken down into two broadcategories, commodities derivatives and financial derivatives, according to the kind of assets they arebased on. The primary goal of these products is to mitigate financial risks by providing commitments tofuture prices in the event of unfavourable fluctuations in future prices. They also provide possibilities forfinancial gain for those willing to take greater risks. In other words, these tools make it possible for riskto be transferred from those who would want to avoid it to those who are ready to embrace it. Therefore,investors may reduce the effect of price changes on profits by locking in asset values.




How to Cite

“A Study on the Derivatives Market in India: Exploring the Impact and Potential of Derivatives in the Indian Market”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 413–422, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/14201

How to Cite

“A Study on the Derivatives Market in India: Exploring the Impact and Potential of Derivatives in the Indian Market”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 413–422, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/14201