Effect of Yoga Training on Physical Fitness

The Role of Yoga Training in Enhancing Physical Fitness


  • Mundhe Chetan Gangadhar
  • Dr. Atul Shukla


physical fitness, yoga training, nutrition, exercise, rest, pre-industrial age, hypokinetic disorders, emergency situations, adaptability, task performance


It's important to maintain a healthy level of physical fitness so that you can participate in a widerange of sports, occupations, and daily activities. Overall physical fitness benefits from proper nutrition,moderate to vigorous exercise, consistent physical activity, and sufficient rest. Physical fitness in thepre-industrial age indicated the ability to perform daily duties without becoming unduly fatigued. As timehas progressed and society has changed, the definition of physical fitness has broadened to includean individual's ability to carry out routine chores, keep them well, avoid hypokinetic disorders, and reactappropriately to threatening or emergency situations. Being physically fit means that you are insufficient physical condition to perform the tasks required of you. Around 1950, the use of the wordfitness multiplied by a factor of ten in Western vernacular, which may be related to the expansion ofthe industrial economy and the emphasis placed on physical health during World War II. Depending onthe specifics of the situation, a contemporary definition of fitness may place more value on anindividual's or a machine's general adaptability and capacity to deal with change, or it may place greatervalue on their specific ability to do a narrow range of tasks. Therefore, the link between physical fitnessand attractiveness has stimulated the global fitness and fitness equipment industries. From a practicalpoint of view, employees who are fit have high levels of either aerobic or anaerobic capacity, i.e. strengthor endurance. To be fit, according to Cross Fit journal contributor Greg Glassman, means to be able toincrease one's labor capacity across several time and modal domains. The ability to enhance one's workcapacity in a given time span necessitates mastery of multiple fitness traits, including strength,endurance, power, speed, balance, and coordination. A well-rounded fitness program will help anindividual develop in all aspects of fitness, not just the ones they focus on (such as cardio or weighttraining).Training methods as they currently stand offer a conventional viewpoint, and any strategy thatcan be used to strengthen these systems will surely increase the athlete's ability to perform at his or hertop. Yoga and pranayama, two classic cardio-respiratory manipulation systems, have been consideredby the researcher, as have contemporary yogic approaches for the quick development of athletes.




How to Cite

“Effect of Yoga Training on Physical Fitness: The Role of Yoga Training in Enhancing Physical Fitness”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 423–426, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/14202

How to Cite

“Effect of Yoga Training on Physical Fitness: The Role of Yoga Training in Enhancing Physical Fitness”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 423–426, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/index.php/jasrae/article/view/14202