The Level of Awareness Regarding Green Marketing and its impact on Consumer Purchasing Behavior, with A specific focus on Delhi City

Exploring Consumer Perceptions and Marketing Strategies for Green Products in Delhi City


  • Dr. Suraj Shah


awareness, green marketing, consumer purchasing behavior, environment, conservation, perceptions, attitudes, purchase patterns, eco-friendly items, marketing activities, consumer behavior, marketing communication, environmental survey, Worldwide environmental behavior survey, insufficient exposure, marketing strategies, brand promotion, Indian market, environmentally friendly products, customer segments, environmental concerns


The attitudes of customers are undergoing a shift with regards to the environment, fostering aclimate of innovation aimed at conservation. The resultant benefits derived from this innovativeapproach are expected to endure beyond the present generation. This study examines the perceptionsand attitudes of consumers towards environmental conservation, as well as their purchase patterns inrelation to eco-friendly items. This report also examines the effectiveness of marketing activities inraising consumer awareness of green products. This study further examines consumer behavior and theinfluence of marketing communication in order to ascertain the factors that motivate consumers tochoose environmentally friendly products. This study presents the findings of a consumer productsurvey that utilized a questionnaire derived from the environmental survey and the Worldwideenvironmental behavior survey. This article examines the insufficient exposure of consumers tomarketing communication regarding green products and proposes an increased utilization of marketingstrategies and brand promotion to effectively market and sell environmentally friendly items. The reportposits that there is untapped potential in the Indian market for environmentally friendly products,particularly among customer segments who prioritize environmental concerns.




How to Cite

“The Level of Awareness Regarding Green Marketing and its impact on Consumer Purchasing Behavior, with A specific focus on Delhi City: Exploring Consumer Perceptions and Marketing Strategies for Green Products in Delhi City”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 721–725, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“The Level of Awareness Regarding Green Marketing and its impact on Consumer Purchasing Behavior, with A specific focus on Delhi City: Exploring Consumer Perceptions and Marketing Strategies for Green Products in Delhi City”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 721–725, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: