The Relevance of Octapace Culture Model to Faculty Performance in Bhopal- A Review

Examining the Impact of Octapace Culture on Faculty Performance in Bhopal


  • Seema Nair
  • Dr. Sumit Kumar Mathur
  • Dr. Trupti Dave


Octapace culture, faculty performance, Bhopal, organizational culture, faculty fraternities, effective communication, teacher turnover, graduation rates, job placements, overall grooming


The culture of the organisation is the most important factor that determines the level ofdedication and participation of faculty fraternities. The term OCTAPACE culture is used to define acertain kind of corporate culture that places an emphasis on eight core characteristics or qualities.Effective corporate cultures are characterised by a number of defining characteristics, includingopenness, confrontation, trust, authenticity, proactive, collaboration, and experimentation. Otheressential components are teamwork, autonomy, and proactive problem solving. The fundamentalobjective of this research is to investigate the extent to which the Culture of OCTAPACE has an impacton the level of performance shown by the faculty members in Bhopal. OCTAPACE encouragesconstructive leadership collaboration and effective communication in order to improve the overallperformance of the faculty. This allows for the expression of novel ideas and points of view, theprovision of shared support, and the investigation of opportunities to the fullest extent possible. In thisresearch, the effectiveness of OCTAPACE Culture was investigated in terms of its ability to reduce therate of teacher turnover and evaluate the performance of the teaching staff in terms of the graduationrates, job placements, and overall grooming of the students. The business of education is known to havea faculty turnover rate that is considered to be rather high. According to the findings of this study, theestablishment of a prosperous organisational culture might be facilitated by the use of the eight pillarsthat constitute OCTAPACE.




How to Cite

“The Relevance of Octapace Culture Model to Faculty Performance in Bhopal- A Review: Examining the Impact of Octapace Culture on Faculty Performance in Bhopal”, JASRAE, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 275–282, Jan. 2023, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“The Relevance of Octapace Culture Model to Faculty Performance in Bhopal- A Review: Examining the Impact of Octapace Culture on Faculty Performance in Bhopal”, JASRAE, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 275–282, Jan. 2023, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: