Impact of ELT on Multiple Skills of Comprehension, Logical Thinking

Addressing Sociocultural Challenges in English Language Teaching


  • Priya .
  • Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya


ELT, English language capability, PYP, ELI, Higher Education, teaching capabilities, sociosocial issues, socio-cultural context, teacher-student relationship, academic process


English capability isn't at standard, especially at the school level where required PreparatoryYear Program (PYP) and English Language Institutes (ELI) are run for new students. These PYPs and ELIsare significant connections in improving English language capability and accordingly fill in as anextension course for Higher Education. In spite of colossal endeavors made by different educationalbodies to improve ELT principles and understudy accomplishment, the circumstance of instructing andlearning English in India no longer have anything to do with the ideal level. Educating in India is seen tobe a difficult peculiarity, particularly for Indian ELT educators. Furnished with huge showing capabilitiesand experience, ELT instructors frequently feel unequipped to deal with certain academic and sociosocialissues which crop up during the educating and learning process. Along these lines, the urgent jobof the socio-social setting decides the instructor student relationship and the accomplishment of theacademic cycle (Freeman Johnson, 1998). In an ELT homeroom in India, the educator, student, and thecoursebook may share three distinct social and social foundations. In such a situation, educators needto cooperate with students in a more extensive social setting (Hall, 2011), taking care of the requirementsof people and settling on nearby and quick choices OK to students (Johnston, 2003).




How to Cite

“Impact of ELT on Multiple Skills of Comprehension, Logical Thinking: Addressing Sociocultural Challenges in English Language Teaching”, JASRAE, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 336–383, Apr. 2023, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Impact of ELT on Multiple Skills of Comprehension, Logical Thinking: Addressing Sociocultural Challenges in English Language Teaching”, JASRAE, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 336–383, Apr. 2023, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: