Successors of Mughal: Detailed an Overview

A Historical Analysis of the Mughal Empire in India


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Mughal rulers, Mughal Empire, Timurid line, Indian subcontinent, British Raj


The Mughal rulers, from the mid sixteenth century to the mid eighteenth century, assembled and managed the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, principally comparing to the advanced nations of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals were a branch of the Timurid line of Turkic source from what is presently Uzbekistan. Their energy quickly dwindled amid the eighteenth century and the remainder of the sovereigns were dismissed in 1857, with the foundation of the British Raj. Mughal heads were of direct drop from Timur (for the most part referred to in the West as Tamerlane the Great), and furthermore subsidiary with Genghis Khan, in light of Timur's marriage with a Genghizid princess. The Mughals additionally had huge Indian Rajput and Persian family line through marriage cooperations, as heads were destined to Rajput and Persian princesses. Only the initial two Mughal sovereigns, Babur and Humayun, were completely Central Asian (Turki or what is currently known as Uzbek), while Akbar was half-Persian (his mom was of Persian starting point), Jahangir was half-Rajput and quarter-Persian, and Shah Jahan was seventy five percent Rajput. Nevertheless, all Mughals were of Turkic seeds. At their Empire's most prominent degree in the late seventeenth and mid eighteenth hundreds of years, Mughals controlled a great part of the Indian subcontinent, stretching out from Bengal in the east to Kabul and Sindh in the west, Kashmir in the north to the Kaveri bowl in the south. Its populace at the time has been evaluated as in the vicinity of 110 and 150 million, over a region of more than 3.2 million square kilometers.




How to Cite

“Successors of Mughal: Detailed an Overview: A Historical Analysis of the Mughal Empire in India”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 144–148, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Successors of Mughal: Detailed an Overview: A Historical Analysis of the Mughal Empire in India”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 144–148, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: