Aerobiology and Its Role in the Spread of Infectious Diseases

Understanding the Factors Influencing Airborne Spread and Control of Infectious Diseases


  • Deepa A. Dhaware


aerobiology, spread, infectious diseases, contemporary techniques, airborne pathogens, particle size, particle type, airborne duration, particle distance, meteorological factors, environmental factors, origin of infectious particles, control measures, office buildings, healthcare facilities, commercial planes


Aerobiology assumes an essential part in the spread of irresistible maladies. As irresistible sickness and contamination control experts keep utilizing contemporary systems (e.g., computational liquid elements to consider molecule stream, polymerase anchor response philosophies to measure molecule focuses in different settings, and the study of disease spread to track the spread of ailment), the focal factors influencing the airborne spread of pathogens are winding up better known. ttis paper surveys huge numbers of these aerobiological factors (e.g., molecule measure, molecule write, the length that particles can stay airborne, the separation that particles can travel, and meteorological and natural components), and additionally the regular roots of these irresistible particles. We at that point survey a few genuine settings with known challenges controlling the airborne spread of irresistible particles (e.g., office structures, medicinal services offices, and business planes), while enumerating the particular measures every one of these ventures is embraced in its push to improve the spread of airborne irresistible maladies.




How to Cite

“Aerobiology and Its Role in the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Understanding the Factors Influencing Airborne Spread and Control of Infectious Diseases”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 330–337, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Aerobiology and Its Role in the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Understanding the Factors Influencing Airborne Spread and Control of Infectious Diseases”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 330–337, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: