Steady Information in Cloud Utilizing Proper Anonymization

Enhancing Map Reduce Performance Using Representative Workloads


  • Richa Dua
  • Dr. Ramesh Kumar


Map Reduce, cloud, anonymization, provisioning, benchmark, remaining tasks at hand


Map Reduce frameworks face gigantic difficulties because of expanding development, decent variety, and union of the data and calculation included. Provisioning, arranging, and overseeing enormous scale Map Reduce groups require reasonable, outstanding task at hand explicit execution bits of knowledge that current Map Reduce benchmarks are sick prepared to supply. In this paper, we assemble the case for going past benchmarks for Map Reduce execution assessments. We break down and contrast two generation Map Reduce follows with build up a jargon for portraying Map Reduce remaining tasks at hand. We show that current benchmarks neglect to catch rich remaining task at hand qualities saw in follows, and propose a structure to blend and execute agent outstanding burdens.




How to Cite

“Steady Information in Cloud Utilizing Proper Anonymization: Enhancing Map Reduce Performance Using Representative Workloads”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1352–1355, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Steady Information in Cloud Utilizing Proper Anonymization: Enhancing Map Reduce Performance Using Representative Workloads”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1352–1355, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: