GIS And Remote Sensing Methods Based Assessment of the State of Ground Water Resources with Special References to Western Indian River Basins

Utilizing GIS and Remote Sensing Methods for Groundwater Assessment in Western Indian River Basins


  • Yewale Adhikrao Govind
  • Dr. Kalu Ram


GIS, remote sensing methods, assessment, state of groundwater resources, western Indian river basins, accessible water, prudent use, development, management systems, efficient groundwater studies, field studies, groundwater resource assessment, hydrological domains, Godavari river basin, waterway irrigation system, paddy, sugarcane, equivalent environment, geology, water scarcity


The accessible water ought to be prudently used through legitimate improvement and the executives systems. The point of this assessment is to contribute towards efficient groundwater ponders utilizing Remote Sensing, Field Studies, remote sensing and GIS in making ground-breaking rules for groundwater resource assessment in equivalent hydrological domains. The Godavari river basin of western Maharashtra is waterway water system framework, significant development crops are paddy and sugarcane. Likewise, the methodology at effectively in the areas with equivalent environment and geology, for instance Western Indian River Basins which encounters serious absence of water driving.




How to Cite

“GIS And Remote Sensing Methods Based Assessment of the State of Ground Water Resources with Special References to Western Indian River Basins: Utilizing GIS and Remote Sensing Methods for Groundwater Assessment in Western Indian River Basins”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1434–1439, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“GIS And Remote Sensing Methods Based Assessment of the State of Ground Water Resources with Special References to Western Indian River Basins: Utilizing GIS and Remote Sensing Methods for Groundwater Assessment in Western Indian River Basins”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1434–1439, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: