Study of Complete and Incomplete Fusion of Weakly Bound Nuclei at Near Active Galactic Nuclei

Exploring the Role of Fusion and Fragmented Fusion in Weakly Bound Nuclei Dynamics


  • Sarita Rani
  • Dr. Vipin Kumar


fusion, weakly bound nuclei, quantum mechanical strategy, 7Li +209 Bi system, trial data, Coulomb barrier, separation, fusion cross section, projectiles, mass targets, energies, concealment, dynamical model, asymptotic observables, high-turn states, reaction products, direct alpha-creation, model calculations, populating, yield


We propose another quantum mechanical strategy to assess total and inadequate fusion in crashes of weakly bound nuclei. The strategy is applied to the 7Li +209 Bi system and the results are contrasted with trial data. The general understanding among hypothesis and test is awesome, above and underneath the Coulomb barrier. We discuss our present comprehension of the impact of the separation of stable weakly bound nuclei on the fusion cross section of these projectiles with light, medium and substantial mass targets, at energies over the Coulomb barrier. The discussion depends generally on data acquired by our gathering in cooperative examinations. We show that for overwhelming targets there is finished fusion concealment, relating to the event of inadequate fusion of one of the separation fragments, while for medium and light mass targets, there is no such impact, because of the insignificant deficient fusion process.The classical dynamical model for reactions incited by weakly-bound nuclei at close barrier energies is grown further. It permits a quantitative investigation of the job and significance of fragmented fusion elements in asymptotic observables, for example, the number of inhabitants in high-turn states in reaction items just as the precise appropriation of direct alpha-creation. Model figurings show that fragmented fusion is a successful component for populating high-turn states, and its commitment to the direct alpha creation yield reduces with diminishing energy towards the Coulomb barrier.




How to Cite

“Study of Complete and Incomplete Fusion of Weakly Bound Nuclei at Near Active Galactic Nuclei: Exploring the Role of Fusion and Fragmented Fusion in Weakly Bound Nuclei Dynamics”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1489–1498, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study of Complete and Incomplete Fusion of Weakly Bound Nuclei at Near Active Galactic Nuclei: Exploring the Role of Fusion and Fragmented Fusion in Weakly Bound Nuclei Dynamics”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1489–1498, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: