Mass Transfer and Radiation Effects on Unsteady MHD Convective Fluid Flow Embedded In a Porous Medium with Heat Generation and Absorption



  • Parvin Kumar
  • B. N. Upadhyay


mass transfer, radiation effects, unsteady MHD, convective fluid flow, porous medium, heat generation, absorption, Galerkin finite element method, Grashof number, Prandtl number


The Chief aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of mass transfer and radiation on an unsteady MHD free convective fluid flow embedded in a porous medium with heat generationabsorption. The problem is governed by the system of coupled non-linear partial differential equations whose exact solutions are difficult to obtain. So the Galerkin finite element method has been adopted for its solution. The results obtained are discussed for cooling (Gr>o) and heating (Gr<0) of the plate with the help of graphs and tables to observe the effects by various parameters such as pr Sc, M, Q, K, Gr Gm Nr Kr and ∆. It has been found that when the thermal and solutal Grashof numbers increase, - the thermal and concentration buoyancy effects are increased and the fluid velocity increases. Furthermore, when the Prandtl number (Pr) and Schmidt number (Sc) increase, the thermal and concentration levels decrease which reduces fluid velocity. These results are in good agreements with earlier results.




How to Cite

“Mass Transfer and Radiation Effects on Unsteady MHD Convective Fluid Flow Embedded In a Porous Medium with Heat Generation and Absorption: -”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 2044–2052, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Mass Transfer and Radiation Effects on Unsteady MHD Convective Fluid Flow Embedded In a Porous Medium with Heat Generation and Absorption: -”, JASRAE, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 2044–2052, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 16, 2025. [Online]. Available: