Stress and Mental Health among Secondary School Students

The Impact of Parental Stress on Secondary School Students' Mental Health


  • Ghugare Dattatraya Shridhar
  • Dr. Anamika Singh


stress, mental health, secondary school students, parental stress, students' social issues


Stress is a word gotten from the Latin word stringier importance to draw light and was utilized in seventeenth century to portray hard ship or distress. Stress is a strain felt by somebody enthusiastic, mental, or physical weight brought about by anxiety or overburden. It might because of such side effects as expanded circulatory strain or sorrow. Guardians' pressure is unpredictable perspective including social, psychological and powerful part that show into a strained kid parent relationship. In the event that the parent faces money related issues, family issues, work issues, issues to cop up with societal position, and so forth, it might prompts increment parental pressure. To beat numerous obstructions to encourage accomplishing objectives, a clear amount of pressure is worthwhile to give the fundamental motivation and inspiration. The word pressure, like accomplishment, dissatisfaction or satisfaction, implies disparate things to dissimilar to individuals and separated from a couple of devoted researchers, no one has really attempted or characterizing it, despite the fact that it has become a piece of our jargon. Study with respect to parent's pressure and students' social issues under taken by Cameroon L. Neece clarify that there is a transitional impact on one another's improvement because of parental pressure and students' social issues.




How to Cite

“Stress and Mental Health among Secondary School Students: The Impact of Parental Stress on Secondary School Students’ Mental Health”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 521–526, Sep. 2018, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Stress and Mental Health among Secondary School Students: The Impact of Parental Stress on Secondary School Students’ Mental Health”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 521–526, Sep. 2018, Accessed: Sep. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: