Illustration and Finding Solution for Using Better Land in Crop Combination Regions

Exploring Crop Combination Regions for Agricultural Regeneration


  • Sneh .


crop combination regions, agricultural geology, agricultural regeneration, land resources, crop combination method, precipitation, irrigation, Phaltan Circle, jowar, Bajara, Sugarcane, Wheat


The investigations of crop combination regions comprise an imperative part of agricultural geology as it gives a decent premise to agricultural regeneration. Through various regions may have distinctive atmosphere and soil conditions point and destinations of the investigation are to discover the crop combination regions. The essential destinations are to think about the vital crops and positioning of crops combination regions. Horticulture in a manner is the aftereffect of human endeavours connected in the abuse of land assets towards the fulfilment of one of man's fundamental needs, nourishment. Despite the fast development of businesses and service areas in India, farming still is an essential financial action, utilizing 62 percent of absolute labourers in 2001(Maharashtra 64 percent in 2001).In this paper an endeavour has been made to break down crop combination regions in study territory. Crop combination is one of the strategy outlining agricultural regions. Ten noteworthy crops have been consider for examination. The investigation depends on essential sources. The Rafiullah's Crop Combination Method is utilizing for the examination the crop combination regions. The elements like precipitation water system and so forth influence the crop combination. In Phaltan Circle, two crop combination regions are outline and four noteworthy crops are recognize these are jowar, Bajara, Sugarcane and Wheat.




How to Cite

“Illustration and Finding Solution for Using Better Land in Crop Combination Regions: Exploring Crop Combination Regions for Agricultural Regeneration”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 314–318, Dec. 2018, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Illustration and Finding Solution for Using Better Land in Crop Combination Regions: Exploring Crop Combination Regions for Agricultural Regeneration”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 314–318, Dec. 2018, Accessed: Sep. 20, 2024. [Online]. Available: