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Lalita Sikarwar

Dr. Indrajeet Yadav


The study is to the component and process reliability is the basis of many efficiency evaluationsin Operations Management discipline. For example, in the calculation of the Overall EquipmentEffectiveness (OEE) introduced it is necessary to estimate a crucial parameter called availability. This isstrictly related to reliability. Still as an example, consider how, in the study of service level, it is important toknow the availability of machines, which again depends on their reliability and maintainability. Reliability isdefined as the probability that a component (or an entire system) will perform its function for a specifiedperiod of time, when operating in its design environment. The elements necessary for the definition ofreliability are, therefore, an unambiguous criterion for judging whether something is working or not andthe exact definition of environmental conditions and usage. Then, reliability can be defined as the timedependent probability of correct operation if we assume that a component is used for its intendedfunction in its design environment and if we clearly define what we mean with failure. For thisdefinition, any discussion on the reliability basics starts with the coverage of the key concepts ofprobability.


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