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Mr. Nilesh Purushottam Turankar


The Credit rating plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process of stakeholders in thecapital market including regulators, issuers and investors. Therefore, it has been focused by theresearchers doing research in the field of finance domain on this emerging concept. Many studies havebeen conducted in the Indian context as well as the global arena on rating methodology, importance ofratings, performance of rating agencies, investors’ awareness, etc. This report puts a light on CreditRatings of Commercial Buildings and Quality Parameters of Credit Rating Agencies and their impact onthe project from customer and investor point of view. Focusing on Quality Ratings as a prime factor ofCredit Ratings of Commercial Buildings. The main objective of our project is to prepare a Quality RatingGuide named C.R.I.C BOOK for benefitting the credit worthiness of companies and for assuring utmostcustomer satisfaction by guiding them to make better decisions.


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