Design and Develop a High – Performance Wideband LNA over IEEE Bands

Enhancing Sensitivity and Noise Parameters in RF Receivers


  • Deepak Tak
  • Luv Sharma


high-performance, wideband, LNA, communication technology, remote communication, RF designer, low-noise amplifier, front-end, gain, noise parameters


Communication technology is advancing toward a noteworthy achievement. The unstable development of the remote business, worldwide access to the web, and the regularly expanding interest for fast information communication are impelling us toward quick improvements in communication technology. Remote communication assumes a fundamental job in this change to the up and coming age of communication frameworks. PDAs, pagers, remote neighborhood (WLAN), worldwide situating framework (GPS) handhelds, and short-extend information communication gadgets utilizing Bluetooth and ultra wideband (UWB) advances are for the most part instances of convenient remote communication gadgets. These days, driven by the unquenchable business interest for minimal effort and low-control multi-standard compact gadgets, RF fashioners are asked to grow new methodologies that permit the structure of such items. A key part of any RF recipient is the front-end low-clamor enhancer (LNA). As the primary dynamic building hinder in the beneficiary front-end, the LNA should give extensive increase while limiting the commotion acquainted with the framework. Fig. 1.1 delineates the streamlined structure of a RF collector. The got flag is ordinarily sifted, enhanced by a LNA and meant the base-band by blending with a neighborhood oscillator (LO). In the wake of being demodulated, the flag is connected to a simple to-advanced converter (ADC) which digitizes the simple flag. The computerized flag is then handled in an advanced flag preparing unit (DSP). As can be seen, the initial step of flag enhancement is finished by the LNA. In this manner, the execution of LNA can incredibly influence affectability and commotion parameters of the general collector.




How to Cite

“Design and Develop a High – Performance Wideband LNA over IEEE Bands: Enhancing Sensitivity and Noise Parameters in RF Receivers”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 168–173, Mar. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Design and Develop a High – Performance Wideband LNA over IEEE Bands: Enhancing Sensitivity and Noise Parameters in RF Receivers”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 168–173, Mar. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: