Corporate Alliances of Business Enterprises in India: A Review

Exploring the Strategic Importance of Corporate Alliances in the Indian Business Environment


  • Pankaj Chouhary


corporate alliances, business enterprises, India, strategic alliances, market and client value, inter-organizational structures, competitive marketplace, accessing markets and distribution channels, new technologies, economies of scale and scope, new product development capabilities, partnership structure, strategic relevance, corporate capabilities, long-term benefits, synergistic exploitation


Firms are progressively choosing strategic alliances as of late as methods for building and setting up market 8c client quality. These cross breed, bury hierarchical structures are getting to be basic highlights for continuing advantage in the present strongly aggressive commercial center. The thought processes to go into alliances are convincing and frequently express accessing explicit markets or circulation channels, procuring new advances, utilizing on economies of scale and scope, and improving new item improvement capacities. A similarly pivotal however less perceived factor is the aim to construct a partnership structure. Strategic partnership is a troublesome and protracted undertaking be that as it may, it substance with an unpretentious and important part of Indian corporate. It has been perceived in late time that strategic partnership is strategically pertinent and corporate abilities may give the best long haul advantages to firms. Strategic partnership gives a key capacity to synergistically misuse the abilities firms bring into a beneficial endeavor.




How to Cite

“Corporate Alliances of Business Enterprises in India: A Review: Exploring the Strategic Importance of Corporate Alliances in the Indian Business Environment”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 231–234, Mar. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Corporate Alliances of Business Enterprises in India: A Review: Exploring the Strategic Importance of Corporate Alliances in the Indian Business Environment”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 231–234, Mar. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: