Study on Climatology and Description of Water Bodies in Aligarh District

Exploring the Impact of Climate on Water Bodies and Biodiversity in Aligarh District


  • Ritika .
  • Archana Singh


biodiversity, water emergency, clean water, insects, arthropods, climate, aquatic insects, odonate species, ecological pollution, climatology


In India, the issue of loosing biodiversity involves worry for tree huggers, yet to the down to earth, the issue is more serious particularly on the grounds that India is probably going to confront intense water emergency and lack of clean water inside the following not many years. Insects are invertebrates (creatures without a spine) that are important for the bigger gathering of creatures called arthropods. They are known to be the best and different creatures on earth. They have adjusted in pretty much every possible sort of climate from the equator to the cold and from ocean level to the snowfield of most elevated mountains, ashore, in air and water and all over the place. The insects are extensively assessed to involve over 75 of the known types of the creatures and roughly 0.9 million types of insects have been portrayed all through the world Aquatic insects are regularly acceptable pointers since they are available in some limit in pretty much every kind of environment and many are natural surroundings subject matter experts. Odonate species like to live in freshwater, non-defiled and all around oxygenated living spaces. Consequently, they can fill in as significant bio-markers for ecological pollution contemplates. However odonates were recorded in present investigation yet they showed least variety and were scanty in dissemination, there by demonstrating their inclination for freshwater, non-polluted and all around oxygenated environments.Climatology, Insects, Invertebrates, Water Bodies, Biodiversity




How to Cite

“Study on Climatology and Description of Water Bodies in Aligarh District: Exploring the Impact of Climate on Water Bodies and Biodiversity in Aligarh District”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 224–229, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Climatology and Description of Water Bodies in Aligarh District: Exploring the Impact of Climate on Water Bodies and Biodiversity in Aligarh District”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 224–229, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: