Study on Aviation Scenario in India

Challenges and Solutions in the Indian Aviation Industry


  • Suresh Kumar Mathilagath


aviation scenario, Indian aeronautics, air traffic, business pilots, expansion drive, jobless pilots, airplanes, carriers, training, type-rated


Indian aeronautics area is developing at the pace of eighteen percent for each annum. It is assessed that the air traffic in India will keep on developing at the pace of 8 to 10 percent throughout the following ten years. Nonetheless, framework that will be needed to help this development is as yet not set up in India. One of the vital segments of this is the accessibility of business pilots to fly the extra airplanes that will be needed as a piece of extension drive Availability of business pilots is a major issue in India not on the grounds that the pilots are not found here, but since a large number of them are not discovered appropriate to fly the airplanes utilized by the greater part of the carriers. Today India has countless jobless pilots who are generally fresher's. Be that as it may, these pilots are not popular as they should be prepared on the airplanes utilized by these air transporters and this is an expensive issue for the carriers. Additionally when an aircraft puts away the cash to prepare these pilots, it is tracked down that a considerable lot of them are poached by different carriers either in India or abroad after the preparation. Consequently, aircrafts are searching for pilots who are capable and type-appraised with the goal that the carriers don't lose the cash they put resources into preparing these youthful pilots.




How to Cite

“Study on Aviation Scenario in India: Challenges and Solutions in the Indian Aviation Industry”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 123–130, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Aviation Scenario in India: Challenges and Solutions in the Indian Aviation Industry”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 123–130, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: