Biochemical Studies on the Pesticide Induced Stress in Mammalian Systems and Its Possible Amelioration

Addressing the Challenges of Pesticide-Induced Stress and Food Security


  • Dr. Sathya R.


biochemical studies, pesticide-induced stress, mammalian systems, amelioration, populace, food, harvests yield, farming management, Green Revolution, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, bioaccumulation, health effects, pest species, active ingredients, insecticides, miticides, herbicides, rodenticides, nematicides, fungicides, fumigants, wood preservatives, plant growth regulators


The persistently expanding populace of India just as other nation of the world requirements adequate food. It is normal that 2030 the total populace will surpass more than 8.3 billion and the number of inhabitants in India will surpass 1.5 billion. The legitimate taking care of these individuals will be a significant test, particularly to the formers of Asia, Africa and Latin America who might need to create food adequate to fulfill out the need of developing populace of these mainlands. In Asia, it would require a supported expansion in the harvests yield and better cultivating the board, as most arable land is now underway and further extension of the developed region can't be considered typical. Emotional expansions in yield were acquired during the Green Revolution in the mid seventies, with presentation of high-yielding grain assortments supplemented with use of compound manures and pesticides. The utilization of composts and pesticides improved yield profitability by expanding the supplement accessibility to plants and controlling the sickness causing bugs, separately. The utilization of bug sprayspesticides has advanced as a worldwide worry because of their quick bioaccumulation and injurious wellbeing impacts to people and different life forms separated from the objective bug species. Pesticides are the compound substances (aside from a couple biopesticides, for example, Bacillus thuringensis poison, BT) used to forestall, repulse, or obliterate the vermin the creatures that go after the food supply, antagonistically influence comfort, or jeopardize human wellbeing. A large number of synthetic compounds with various dynamic fixings having a place with various classes of pesticide fill this need. These are named insect sprays, miticides, herbicides, rodenticides, nematicides, fungicides, fumigasnts, wood additives and plant development controllers dependent on the objective they assault or the reason they serve.




How to Cite

“Biochemical Studies on the Pesticide Induced Stress in Mammalian Systems and Its Possible Amelioration: Addressing the Challenges of Pesticide-Induced Stress and Food Security”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 274–280, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Biochemical Studies on the Pesticide Induced Stress in Mammalian Systems and Its Possible Amelioration: Addressing the Challenges of Pesticide-Induced Stress and Food Security”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 274–280, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: