Study on Estimation of Time since Death Using Cardiac Troponin

A Novel Approach for Estimating Postmortem Interval Using Cardiac Troponin


  • Nirmal Sree


estimation, time since death, cardiac troponin, postmortem interval, gel electrophoresis


Assessment of season of death is a basic prerequisite of each medico-lawful dissection, yet shockingly, there is certainly not a solitary technique by which it very well may be resolved precisely. This examination zeroed in on the temperature-subordinate after death corruption of cardiovascular troponin-T and its relationship with posthumous span (PMI) in people. The investigation included extraction of the protein, detachment by denaturing gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and perception by Western smear utilizing cTnT-explicit monoclonal antibodies. The region of the groups inside a path was evaluated by checking and digitizing the picture utilizing Gel Doc (Universal Hood). The outcomes show a trademark banding design among human corpses (n = 6) and a pseudo-straight connection between the level of cTnT corruption and the log of the time since death (r > 0.95), which can be utilized to gauge the posthumous span. The information introduced exhibit that this method can give an all-inclusive time range during which PMI can be all the more precisely assessed.




How to Cite

“Study on Estimation of Time since Death Using Cardiac Troponin: A Novel Approach for Estimating Postmortem Interval Using Cardiac Troponin”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 320–327, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Estimation of Time since Death Using Cardiac Troponin: A Novel Approach for Estimating Postmortem Interval Using Cardiac Troponin”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 320–327, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: