Study on Polyol Pathway and Oxidative Stress in Markers and Diabetes Mellitus

Exploring the Role of Polyol Pathway and Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus


  • Sujithra M.


polyol pathway, oxidative stress, diabetes mellitus, insulin, diabetic complications, hyperglycemia, free radicals, sorbitol, aldose reductase, pathogenesis


Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic problem emerging from absence of insulin creation or insulin opposition. It is a main source of dismalness and mortality in the created world, especially from diabetic complexities. Enactment of polyol pathway under constant hyperglycemic conditions by amassing of sorbitol is the significant pathway answerable for the frequency of diabetic intricacies and further advancement of oxidative pressure. A few components have been recognized by which hyperglycemia initiates expanded age of free revolutionaries coming about improvement of oxidative pressure. One of the significant instruments by which hyperglycemia actuates oxidative pressure is polyol pathway. The polyol pathway might be involved in diabetic confusions that bring about miniature vascular harm to sensory tissue, retina and kidney. Under normoglycemia, the vast majority of the cell glucose is phosphorylated into glucose-6-phosphate hy hexokinase. A minor piece of non-phosphoylated glucose enters the poyol pathway, the backup way to go of glucose digestion. Notwithstanding, under hyperglycemia, due to immersion of hexokinase with surrounding glucose aldose is enacted prompting inordinate creation of sorbitol. Intracellular accumalation of sorbitol is through to brings about irreversible harm. The audit likewise breaks down the potential system hidden Aldose reductase contribution in pathogenesis of diabetic complexity and talks about interations between aldose reductase and other pathogenic factors, for example, development of cutting edge glycation final results, oxidative-stress, protein kinase C, aggravation and development factors awkward nature. In this manner, aldose reductase protein hindrance is getting one the of the helpful techniques that have been proposed to forestall or improve long haul diabetic complexities.




How to Cite

“Study on Polyol Pathway and Oxidative Stress in Markers and Diabetes Mellitus: Exploring the Role of Polyol Pathway and Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 366–373, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Polyol Pathway and Oxidative Stress in Markers and Diabetes Mellitus: Exploring the Role of Polyol Pathway and Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 6.1, pp. 366–373, May 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: