Regulating the Hygienic Conditions of the Production Areas of Kitchens among Hotels

Ensuring Hygiene and Efficiency in Hotel Kitchen Operations


  • Chef. Priya Padave
  • Chef. Swapnil Salvi


regulating, hygienic conditions, production areas, kitchens, hotels, work places, specific equipment, food department, layout phase, equipment layouts, functional area, Indian and Tandoor preparations, salad and sandwich preparation


In the wake of building up the work places, deciding the particular hardware to utilize, and finishing the space necessities, the food office expert is prepared to achieve the format period of the arranging cycle. A portion of the hardware formats for specific capacities may as of now have been finished during the plan of the work places. Presently the planner will formalize them, first as unpleasant portrayals and eventually as blue prints. The design cycle might be depicted as two separate stages that happen simultaneously. One phase manages plans of individual bits of hardware, work tables, and sinks with a unit which involves a utilitarian territory or a practical division for example one specific region might be created for the capacity of Indian and Tandoor arrangements, (or) serving of mixed greens and sandwich readiness, as a solitary unit.




How to Cite

“Regulating the Hygienic Conditions of the Production Areas of Kitchens among Hotels: Ensuring Hygiene and Efficiency in Hotel Kitchen Operations”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 208–211, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Regulating the Hygienic Conditions of the Production Areas of Kitchens among Hotels: Ensuring Hygiene and Efficiency in Hotel Kitchen Operations”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 208–211, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: