Study on Cutting Apparatus Vibration Both in Bearing of Cutting Speed and Slicing Depth

Investigating the Impact of Instrument Clamping Technique on Cutting Apparatus Vibration during Boring Operations


  • Mr. Sandip Kanase
  • Dr. Ashutosh Asthana


cutting apparatus, vibration, bearing, cutting speed, slicing depth, machining measures, precariousness, surface quality, power utilization, dependability zone, damping, instrument clamping, energy dissemination, sheet materials, coulomb damping, coefficient of friction, modulus of inflexibility, analyses, bundancy, cutting rate, depth of cut, boring operation, altered clamping device


Inside Machining measures, particularly the boring operations have a lower profitability because of precariousness happening because of the instrument vibrations. Slicing device vibrations lead to helpless surface quality, higher force utilization and cutoff the dependability zone of operations. Scientists have shown different approaches to instigate uninvolved, dynamic or semi dynamic damping to nullify the effect of hardware vibrations. Attributable to techno-business suggestions the techniques have not been embraced in industry floor. In the current work a more practicable technique for instrument clamping has been proposed. Vibrations get damped out when components help in energy dissemination. At the clamping position if number of layers of sheet materials can be utilized, these will incite coulomb damping. It has been set up in the current work that, the energy dissemination in bearing of cutting depth will be advanced if pressing sheets of high coefficient of rubbing and low modulus of inflexibility will be utilized. Analyses have been completed to contemplate the a bundancy of cutting instrument vibration in bearing of cutting rate and depth of cut. It has been tentatively settled that the plentifulness of cutting apparatus vibration during boring operation are considerably diminished when operations are done in the altered clamping device.




How to Cite

“Study on Cutting Apparatus Vibration Both in Bearing of Cutting Speed and Slicing Depth: Investigating the Impact of Instrument Clamping Technique on Cutting Apparatus Vibration during Boring Operations”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 75–79, Nov. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Cutting Apparatus Vibration Both in Bearing of Cutting Speed and Slicing Depth: Investigating the Impact of Instrument Clamping Technique on Cutting Apparatus Vibration during Boring Operations”, JASRAE, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 75–79, Nov. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: