Study on Growth of Social Media Marketing all over the world

Exploring the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Youth Consumers


  • Samal Vishal Kumar Sarat
  • Dr. R. Shridhar


social media, marketing, growth, world, online consumption, buying behavior, web-based platforms, consumer attitude, youth consumers, influence


Web based life has included a huge circumstance as a specific gadget. People over the globeuse online life to interface with others or affiliations. People have a lot of affiliations by means ofelectronic systems administration media, thusly information is eaten up by various people. Thisinformation transforms into a wellspring of impact on customers and their buying conduct. From oneside of the planet to the other individuals started to use web based systems administration, for instance,Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share their experiences This totally investigates the profileof Pune juvenile consumers and their social media utilization subtleties. Other than this, by utilizing oneexample t-test and positioning investigation the assessment of Pune juvenile consumers in regards tothe components of choice to buy merchandise online dependent on social media promoting, motivationsbehind getting to social media, recurrence and inclination of utilization of social media websites, factorsimpacting internet shopping through joinsdata accessible on social media and elementsabstainingavoiding shopping on the web through joinsinformation accessible on social media werebroke down. In this, variables of social media advertising and juvenile consumer attitude wererecognized. In view of the factor examination, bunches of social media promoting and juvenile consumerattitudes were perceived. At long last, relationship between groups of social media showcasing andjuvenile consumer attitude with the demographic profile of the young adult consumers were analyzed




How to Cite

“Study on Growth of Social Media Marketing all over the world: Exploring the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Youth Consumers”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 501–505, Jan. 2021, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Growth of Social Media Marketing all over the world: Exploring the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Youth Consumers”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 501–505, Jan. 2021, Accessed: Jul. 05, 2024. [Online]. Available: