A Review of the Relationship between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities

Exploring the Link between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities


  • Arsheed Sheikh
  • Dr. Anita Saini


sustainable urbanization, smart cities, sustainable development, economic development, global sustainable development efforts, UN's initiatives, nationwide initiatives, Standards for Sustainable Development, World Bank strategies, Indian government, practitioners, triple base approach, sustainable communities, Economical Architecture, overcoming hardship


In order to clarify the understanding of sustainable development, this article describes manyglobal sustainable development efforts in depth. The definition of economic development that Brundtl andthe commission present is discussed in order to comprehend the elements that will control sustainabledevelopment. The section looks more closely at the brief history of sustainable development. The UN'sinitiatives are discussed from top to bottom since many states have accepted them. Additionally, thenationwide initiatives are discussed to show the policies and objectives put up by countries like the UK,EU, and US to achieve sustainability. Standards for Sustainable Development, World Bank strategies,and systems put in place by the Indian government are covered from top to bottom to provide a generalunderstanding of the state of the country. The discussion of concepts for sustainable development putforward by practitioners in the area follows this part. To evaluate current understandings and theirarguments, the assumptions, dispute, limits, and drivers of sustainable development are covered indepth. A triple base approach is looked at, which looks at the economy, ecology, and society as threepillars. The theories that suggest culture, governmental concerns, and foundations as the fourth pillar ofsustainability are also discussed in order to look at the opinions of those who work in the sustainabilityarea. With its components, the concept of sustainable communities as presented in the UK is primarilyaddressed in depth. To further understand the concept and current architectural methods, EconomicalArchitecture is investigated. The part comes to a conclusion with dialogues about a few instances ofovercoming hardship in which the network has begun its own development to improve its economic,social, and ecological surroundings.




How to Cite

“A Review of the Relationship between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities: Exploring the Link between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 630–635, Apr. 2021, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/13178

How to Cite

“A Review of the Relationship between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities: Exploring the Link between Sustainable Urbanization and Smart Cities”, JASRAE, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 630–635, Apr. 2021, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/13178