A Study on Employees Performance Appraisal in Neycer India [P] Ltd, Vadalur

Understanding and Implementing the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal


  • Dr. L. Madan Mohan


employees performance appraisal, performance evaluation, appraisal techniques, human resources management, 720-degree performance appraisal


In the early 20th century, the idea of performance evaluation was born. An employee'sperformance may be evaluated and improved by gathering, evaluating, and documenting informationabout them. There are several Performance Appraisal techniques depending on the kind of organisation,size of the company, and also the time period during which they are employed. Employees are assessed interms of Quality, Quantity, Time, and Cost, as well as the value they provide to the organization's overallobjectives. Before 720-degree assessment, organisations used a 360-degree approach to evaluate theiremployees' performance. To far, this evaluation technique has been used for appraisals ranging from 90degrees to 720 degrees.Managing an organization's human resources is critical since it is the mostfundamental part of the business. A company's Human Resources Management (HRM) department isessential to its success. NEYCER INDIA [p] LTD, VADALUR was the subject of a study by the researchertitled A study on Employees Performance Appraisal. There are ways to increase employeeperformance based on this study's findings. If a business wants to keep its workers happy, they'reusually obligated to provide them a reasonable wage and benefits.One of the most current notions is 720-degree Performance Appraisal. An integrated method, as thename says, 720-degree performance evaluation, where the employee's performance is reviewed from a360-degree perspective (Management, Colleagues, Self, and Customers). The results are compared to thepredetermined goals. In other words, 720-degree evaluation is equivalent to twice as many 360-degreeevaluations as there are. Prior methods of assessment were hindered by the lack of follow-up guidancefor the employee after the evaluation. This is why 720-degree assessment was developed after the firstappraisal, when a worker's performance is assessed and evaluated, and goals are created, the worker'sperformance is assessed again, and this time he or she receives feedback and assistance to help him orher reach the goal. This article examines the extent to which the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal, anexpanded version of the 360-Degree Feedback, is understood by stakeholders, consumers, suppliers,and those outside the business. While the 360-degree Performance assessment has been around for along time, the 720-degree Performance appraisal is a relatively new phenomenon that has emerged inrecent years. In the course of developing the 720-degree Performance evaluation system, it went througha series of distinct phases from the 90 degree to the 180 degree to the 360 degree to the 540 degreestages.




How to Cite

“A Study on Employees Performance Appraisal in Neycer India [P] Ltd, Vadalur: Understanding and Implementing the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 36–40, Jul. 2022, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/13920

How to Cite

“A Study on Employees Performance Appraisal in Neycer India [P] Ltd, Vadalur: Understanding and Implementing the 720-Degree Performance Appraisal”, JASRAE, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 36–40, Jul. 2022, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/13920