A Co-Relational Research About Teachers Perspective and Organizational Environment

Exploring the Impact of Organizational Atmosphere on Teacher Attitudes


  • Sunil Kumar Monad University


atmosphere, enthusiastic tone, interpersonal collaboration, acknowledgement, organizational environment, teacher perspective, educational institutions, physical and human resources, optional education, Tamilnadu


Atmosphere is acknowledged to act for the enthusiastictone, which is an associative of interpersonal collaboration. It is the generalenthusiastic component, which has all the earmarks of being available in thecollaborations happening between people in vis-à-vis scenario of assemblies.This has some relationship to the level of acknowledgement communicated by theparts of the gatherings as to others needs or objectives. Operationallycharacterized, it is recognized to induce: (a) the internal private universe ofevery single, (b) the es spirit-de-corps of an aggregation, (c) the feeling ofsignificance of the aggregation distinctive objectives and exercises, (d) theobjectivity with which a issue is went to, and (e) the kind and degree ofinterpersonal collaboration in an aggregation. The present study is an endeavor to discover theoverarching organizational atmosphere in the optional school of Tamilnaduand the effect of this atmosphere on the mentality of the instructor towardsthe instructing calling. The outcomes, it is trusted might be utilized totranslate the nature of the human relationship in the instructive organizationsand the use of physical and human assets in the existing arrangement ofoptional instruction in the state.




How to Cite

“A Co-Relational Research About Teachers Perspective and Organizational Environment: Exploring the Impact of Organizational Atmosphere on Teacher Attitudes”, JASRAE, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 0–0, Apr. 2013, Accessed: Jun. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/4799

How to Cite

“A Co-Relational Research About Teachers Perspective and Organizational Environment: Exploring the Impact of Organizational Atmosphere on Teacher Attitudes”, JASRAE, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 0–0, Apr. 2013, Accessed: Jun. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/4799