Requirements - the Key to a Successful Project

The Significance of Clear Requirements in Project Success


  • Arun Mehta


requirements, successful project, business success, bottom up approach, employee involvement, project scope


Business success canbe accomplished many different ways.   Generally the easiest and most costeffective way to accomplish change and success in an organization is via thebottom up approach. The reason for this is when an organization involves itsworkers in any change or improvements, the employees gain a sense of pride or afeeling of ownership. But all that possible when there are requirements.are what a project is all about.  This paper will take a look at howRequirements drive the project scope and unless well-defined and understood,can lead to huge increase in project scope.




How to Cite

“Requirements - the Key to a Successful Project: The Significance of Clear Requirements in Project Success”, JASRAE, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 0–0, Apr. 2013, Accessed: Jun. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Requirements - the Key to a Successful Project: The Significance of Clear Requirements in Project Success”, JASRAE, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 0–0, Apr. 2013, Accessed: Jun. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available: