A Review Article on Glucose Intolerance and Its Association with Anthropometric Measurements

Implications and Strategies for Diabetes Prevention in India


  • Neha Vashistha
  • Dr. Shweta Rathi


glucose intolerance, anthropometric measurements, chronic non-transferable diseases, heredity, natural variables, diabetes, developing nations, preventive techniques, healthcare services, resources


Most chronic non-transferable diseases result from a complex interaction among heredity and natural variables. With better living conditions and appropriation of western ways of life in developing nations, there is an expanded frequency of these diseases, the most widely recognized of which is diabetes. India being the diabetic capital need to underline on preventive techniques to lessen the occurrence of diabetes and subsequently decrease the weight on wellbeing administrations and assets of the nation. The identification of high hazard bunch like those with impeded fasting glucose focuses on the requirement for basic interventional measures to bring down the diabetic community in the nation.




How to Cite

“A Review Article on Glucose Intolerance and Its Association with Anthropometric Measurements: Implications and Strategies for Diabetes Prevention in India”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 37–46, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/8799

How to Cite

“A Review Article on Glucose Intolerance and Its Association with Anthropometric Measurements: Implications and Strategies for Diabetes Prevention in India”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 37–46, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/8799