An Analysis on the Effect of Make In India Campaign/Initiative on FDI

The impact of 'Make in India' initiative on foreign direct investment and economic growth


  • Dr. Ritu Sharma


Make in India, FDI, foreign investment, economic growth, economic development


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays out a multidimensional job in the general development of the host economies. A large portion of the examinations advocates a positive connection between foreign direct investment and economic growth. FDI flows by and large comes as capital packaged with technology, ability and here and there even market get to. Bigger inflows of foreign investments will bolster the economy to accomplish a sustainable high way of economic growth. In India there are as of now in excess of 3000 foreign organizations in task. The Government of India reported a combined policy on May 12, 2015 and many activities have been taken towards unwinding FDI standards crosswise over sectors, for example, resistance, telecom, power exchanges and stock exchanges, among others. It is household investment that needs to lead the way, as FDI is under 8 percent of complete investment in the country. The amount as well as the nature of FDI assumes a significant job in upgrading Make in India activities. The economic development of a country depends on the performance of every one of the three sectors (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) with more creation, profitability and proficiency. The development of the economy will outfitted when foreign investment flows to India in the areas like manufacturing, infrastructure, transport, technology, services, and so on. In this setting the present examination makes an endeavor to think about the connection among FDI and economic growth in the light of Make in India activities. The present examination made an endeavor to look at the effect of 'Make in India' activity on FDI inflows. The examination depends on secondary data (collected from different reports like Reserve Bank of India Database on Indian Economy, database of division of Industrial Policy and Promotion). The consequences of the examination uncovered that after the introduction of 'Make in India' activity, the FDI inflows expanded fundamentally crosswise over different sectors from various nations.




How to Cite

“An Analysis on the Effect of Make In India Campaign/Initiative on FDI: The impact of ’Make in India’ initiative on foreign direct investment and economic growth”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 578–582, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“An Analysis on the Effect of Make In India Campaign/Initiative on FDI: The impact of ’Make in India’ initiative on foreign direct investment and economic growth”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 578–582, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: