A Study on Changing Role of Prime Minister in Indian Coalition Politics

Exploring the Historical Context and Transformation of the Prime Minister's Role in Indian Coalition Politics


  • Dr. Pooja Sharma


changing role, Prime Minister, Indian, coalition politics, democracy, economic development, statelessness, state formation, British Raj, Mughal Empire, ancient India, medieval India


India's generally steady democracy and moderate yet enduring financial advancement during the most recent five many years of freedom seem extraordinary to numerous onlookers. The presence and endurance of the Indian popularity based state and its ability to administer a sensibly continued monetary development can be clarified somewhat as far as the inheritances of statelessness and state arrangement that recognize India from most Third World nations. Their proximate determinant was the bad habit superb condition of the British Raj. Their increasingly far off determinants incorporated the Mughal Empire from whose thoughts and practice the British profited and which the British acclimatized, and the magnificent states and provincial realms of antiquated and medieval India”.




How to Cite

“A Study on Changing Role of Prime Minister in Indian Coalition Politics: Exploring the Historical Context and Transformation of the Prime Minister’s Role in Indian Coalition Politics”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 1070–1074, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/8989

How to Cite

“A Study on Changing Role of Prime Minister in Indian Coalition Politics: Exploring the Historical Context and Transformation of the Prime Minister’s Role in Indian Coalition Politics”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 1070–1074, Oct. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/8989