Indian Banking Sector at a Glance: A Study

The Impact of Globalization and Technological Advances on the Indian Banking Sector


  • Pelak Mehta
  • Dr. Bharat Bhushan


Indian banking sector, glance, study, globalization, e-commerce, e-banking, technological advances, encryption, information technology, financial industry


Banking Industry is a bit of the economy on the planet. Today we are set in the season of globalization around the globe. Overall colleagues have recognized globalization as their first essential choice. Change in innovation has energized globalization too. Internet business, e-promoting, e-banking are the present popular expressions. Banks have changed them and are putting forth benefits through the Web. Strikingly abrogating component in the Indian economy and the budgetary division was expected by supervising a bookkeeping industry. The Indian monetary segment experienced a far reaching development amid the nineties. From the tolerably shut and controlled condition in which operators needed to work before, the segment was propelled up as a component of the proficiency improving auxiliary strategies achieve high maintainable long haul development of the economy. The saving money area in India has happened upon a rapid change. The real basic role behind this change is the aftereffect of the improved security and encryption schedules made on the Web. The second reason is banks would be unwilling to lose a potential piece of the overall industry to banks that will offer their administrations on the Web. As banks depend progressively on data innovation and the Web to bear on their business and communicate with the market, innovation dangers will conceivably increment, both for singular banks and the money related industry on the loose. Nonstop innovation advances and developments are having huge effect in transit banks collaborate with their clients, providers and partners. This exploration paper concentrated on development of Indian managing an account Industry. It fundamentally centered on Private and Public banks in India.




How to Cite

“Indian Banking Sector at a Glance: A Study: The Impact of Globalization and Technological Advances on the Indian Banking Sector”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 51–57, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Indian Banking Sector at a Glance: A Study: The Impact of Globalization and Technological Advances on the Indian Banking Sector”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 51–57, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: